
Page 17! Finally getting with some Pinter, and I get to not have to color an entire night scene (yay). It was really really not fun inking the interior of the tent, let me tell you. Or coloring it. Or thinking about it (there are bugs all over).

I had the rush the last part of the coloring so there may be some sloppiness, I’ll go back tonight and fix it up a little. I didn’t color any lines either so don’t tell me about lack of depth, cuz I already know! Haha. Anyways maybe you won’t see this page until later and I’ll have already revised this.

I hope you’re enjoying 2x a week updates! If so, please give a vote? I’d really appreciate it!

And again, feel free to check out the Facebook, LJ, Twitter for moar stuff.

See you later!


  • SLEEPY PINTER <3 God I’m such a fangirl, I can’t believe it.

    I love th interior too – it’s such a change from the greens and blues of the jungle but just as beautiful to look at. I can’t wait till our guy gets up and sees Naked Jungle Chick sitting in his tent. Oh the lulz, they will abound.

    Needs moar Pinter XD

  • Pinter’s humble home :D It looks like he just passed out on top of all his junk, hahaha

  • I dunno why but I love Pinter’s nose


    I missed you <3

    …Rape? Q(òu óQ) huu huu huu

  • Sleepy Pinter is adorable. :B

    Don’t wake him up, Angora, you owe him for running off with his booze!
    Is that cigarette bumps hanging up there with the candle? Fun detail. c:

  • Bumps I say. Obviously I meant butts. :c

  • Heh, I’ll comment here because I don’t feel like waiting till it gets to deviantArt. (and I kinda prefer your site).
    Anyway, I looked at the forth panel and really liked the depth, and then I read how there’s no depth. Hm, you are making me confused. : B
    And maybe the interior of the tent wasn’t fun to ink, but it’s damn fun to look at. I love all the details. <3

  • I must join the AWW Sleepy Pinter train. :giggle: Vote incentive with him saying ‘MEOW’ = win.

  • Mortimer

    I totally agree with Ponthion, I am in love with Pinter’s nose

    :D Loving the 2x a week updates!

  • A.L.

    First time poster! Ha-HA!
    The general consensus here seems to be all girls who like the sleepy Pinter.Unfortunately,I r not womanz,but Pinter is cool.And there shall be many lulz once he wakes up with Angora looming over him.

  • The first panel got me laughing. The lighting/colouring is really warm and comfy! Looks great!

  • scott

    great job back to color O_O your really
    a great artist

  • marinatedfish

    talking about which, “her” name wasn’t even mentioned in the whole thing yet (only the character descriptions), is that something intentional to keep her a bit mysterious?

  • Lee

    I love the coloring of this page. I also love how everything was condensed and the plot progresses with every page.

  • …baaawww sleepy Pinter. I love how soft and warm the light is inside the tent, like real candlelight. Poor tired Pinter.

  • sweet_gardenia

    hee the map YOU ARE *not* HERE *point* I really love the details you put in the tent interior

    I keep thinking that he’s going to wake up with her face about two inches away from his and she’d be all like ” I THOUGHT YOU’D NEVER WAKE UP O_O ” ahaha

    go on poke ‘im with the stick Angora, that’s why sleepy men were invented….to annoy!

  • Y2Jenn

    I was waiting eagerly for some Pinter pages again! Greatly disagree about the “lack of depth”. Especially in that third panel. I absolutely love that chaotic, oh-so-very-messy man panel. I so adore these characters. Can’t wait for the next one!

  • whoooomeek

    wow. don’t know if i’m already seeing the revised version, but the way you’ve coloured this page is brilliant. it seriously looks “interior-ry”… great work! you’re great at doing foliage and shrubbery, but this really shows your versatility. amazing.
    did/do you take lessons?

  • @ everyone: thanks guys! I’m so glad you can’t tell how shitty this is, ahaha.

    @ Limely: yes, those are stubs in the wax! The idea grossed me out so I put it in there, haha.

    @ Mortimer: I’m glad you’re enjoying the 2x a week update! I just wish I had the stamina to update more frequently

    @ A.L.: Pinter is not exactly great ladies material so I’m not sure what is wrong with my female readers, hehe.

    @ MarinatedFishy: Nah, there just wasn’t a great place to introduce it before this. In a lot of superhero comics everyone walks around saying each others names, which really bugs the shit out of me, so I’m just waiting for the opportunity to arise in natural conversation (either next page or page after that).

    @ S_G: lol, you know me too well, or remember the old version too well, I’m not sure which

    @ whoooomeek: Nope, I haven’t fixed anything yet *shame* I decided to do other stuff tonight, durr. But I will go back for sure for this one before putting it up on DA next sunday. And no, no lessons, just a lot of elbow grease (such as it applies to photoshop).

    And I’m really trying to figure out how to nest these comments so I don’t have to reply like a dork all the time. Sorry!

  • Pinter *is* ladies material: he’s a nice, good man – that’s rare (I’m assuming this is the guy who protected her back in the vilage) :-)
    I do so hope that wherever this girl is going, the guy will follow.

  • marinatedfish

    haha, when Pinter wakes up she’ll be standing in front of him shouting “Hey sleepyhead my name is ANGORA!!!!!” dun dun dunnn dramatic!

  • Smash42

    Oh Man, Wow!, DIdn’t really beleive it, but two updates a week, this is so kool. I think Pinter’s tent came out great it looks so cozy and just natural, especially in the third panel. I think we need Salamander to wake Pinter up.

  • scott

    dude any plans for when chapter 1 is gonna end and chapter 2 is gonna start?

  • Haha, all the little details in the tent are great — the canteen hanging in the foreground, bottles and containers everywhere, and the candle thing with the cigarette butts XD.

    I love how she pokes the stick in first. I wonder if Pinter’s gonna be mad ’cause she “stole” his alcohol, lol.

    It’s been awesome getting a double-dose of The Meek every week :D. Hope you’re not killing yourself with these updates XD.

  • Laura

    I wanna read mooooore!!!!!

  • Lol, you don’t have to look like a studmuffin to be ladies’ material. xD He’s adorably pudgy, is what I think it is. And he fights for the honor and safety of women! Only not women, just beer.

    • And he has sideburns that increase his attractiveness- and manliness-stats by 10 points.
      Sideburns = Auto-woman magnet.

  • Moons

    Your comic is amazing so far and the plot has barely kicked in. You’re extremely good.

  • Konira

    Angora chose a good weapon, good for distance poking and swating. XD

  • Always enjoy checking out your comic. Updates twice a week, double the fun!

  • I just started reading this comic, and I’m already hooked! XD
    I can’t wait for the next update!

    In regards to this page:
    OAO/ The “Center”? O~h… Sounds epic. :3

  • Chromatix

    Look carefully at the map in the tent.

    Now look carefully at a map of Finland.

    Spot the difference?

  • Ha ha, yay. Night scenes can be a pain. I once did 10 or 15 pages straight as a night scene, and it was my first time as well… but I sure learned a lot! Ha ha.

  • Aubrey

    Hey wait…

    Shing, where’d the vote button go?

    • Haha, it disappears a bit if you go to the individual pages. But if you’re on the main page then it should be there! I might want to fix that in the future…

  • Korilian

    Hopefully Pinter will have some clothes for her. You must be running out of convenient bushes and whatnot ;) The art looks gorgeous as always.

  • OK so, I’ve been following for a while but just took the time to re-read the whole thing. So much awesome storytelling and foreshadowing and and and.

    Also, I just had a HOLY CRAP WHAT realisation about the map, did a quick Google search and some stuff about the setting clicked into place. WELL PLAYED, SIR. :D

  • Woxsea

    I love this comic so far :) but its hard cause I am reading it in my College and people keep passing by and I am waiting for someone to say “OMG NUDE CHICK WTFOMG” lol

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