Uh oh~
I’ve started uploading the original Chapter 4 (as in, the thumbnails/ pencils from 2007) in non-spoilery chunks at the Patreon for certain tiers, you can find that here in case you missed it! It is a lot different than the version of the story that I settled on for this chapter. Also, we are a hot $1 away from the next Patreon goal (wallpapers, wooo!), so thank you guys :] I might drag out some of the original Meek wallpapers from way back when to help celebrate meeting this goal as well… IDK if you guys were around for that but I made you jump through some really annoying hoops to get them, I think I used to sneak letters into the vote incentives and force you to unscramble the word to get the wallpaper…haha XD Good times.
Today’s bonus art: a peek at all of the layers that go into making a page (yikes)
In panel 2, that’s another Crazy Masked Person behind her?! It’s a trap!
Yep, Angora might be about to learn a fast lesson in not trusting things that run away from you. Or at the very least not chasing them!
Wow, the layers are quite a sight!
I wonder if this is Tanome’s leg :|
Hopefully that’s not where leafhead got the arms.
Scavengers :| Oh dear.
Nah pretty sure this is a late night booty call
Man, you just can’t go chasing a mysterious figure in the woods these days without tripping over a body.
True, it never happened to me to chase a misterious figure in the woods and not trip over a dead person.
Please don’t let that leg be Tanome’s dead body…
Kokiri, is that you?
Wait… weren’t the kokiri in the ocarna of time the kids who never grew up? Yeah, they were.
Oh geez you don’t name your layers I would go so mad
Angora, you’re falling into the Hensonites’ trap!
I’m a proud owner of one of those original wallpapers! It’s still in my rotation :D
Isn’t Leafhead running from Toungeskull Snakeface? That sounds like a good idea.
The second panel is beautiful. Great work with that young woman torso.
“Aw crap she’s running right through dinner.”
It isn’t the corpse you See that trips you.
A boot, Damnit tripping over something I never wear…the irony…the irony
Please… more….
Uh-oh a lifeless boot that does not bode well
PS did you rant to the blood moon last night about being a magnificent moon slayer and punch some fish in the face? X3
Binge read was totally worth it~ Ah this is awesome! I can’t wait to see more, the story seems so intriguing I love how you have three different stories going on at once! Man . . . this is amazing! :3
Huh, is that lifeless boot content? I’m more under the impression that someone trips Angora. The foot seems stretched too much to be that of a dead body.
Creepy atmosphere though!